After you complete your purchase, an order confirmation will be sent to you (this will be sent automatically so if you do not receive this within a few minutes, check your spam folder). Read it through and make sure all details are correct. When your order is shipped from our warehouse, you will also receive a delivery confirmation to you at the email address you provided at the checkout. When your package is sent you get a tracking number to track your package with UPS.
Orders made weekdays before 2.00 p.m. GMT will be sent the same day. The packages are shipped with UPS which has 1-3 delivery days. At major weekends, holidays and traffic disturbances, delivery time may be extended. If the product you order is out of stock and we are unable to deliver, we will contact you via the registered e-mail address. Your choice then is to change, wait or cancel the purchase. Shipping cost is £9.99 / 14.99.
Usually your shipment will be delivered to your mailbox. If the package is too big, it is sent directly to the nearest UPS Access Point, and you will receive a notice. Items not retrieved are returned to us. For ordered packages that are not collected, you will be charged for return shipping, handling and handling fees. These costs currently amount to £25.
For U.K. customers, customs and VAT will be added to the price and is to be paid when the package is delivered.
According to the law, you always have a 14-day right of withdrawal, but at Delightful AB we want you as a consumer to feel safe shopping with us, which is why we give you an unlimited right of return. For the right of return to apply, these points must be met:
Contact our customerservice for a return label and you can send back the items for free.
If you want a new product, you place a new order for this. You send the old product back to us with the return label provided in the package. We will then refund the full amount to you on the same day we receive the return.